
Diversity Equity and Inclusive Excellence Publications

以下是多样性平等和包容性卓越出版物的链接,为有兴趣将多样性纳入课堂的教职员工提供有用的资源, offices and 项目. To learn more about Diversity Equity and Inclusive Excellence Publications, please visit http://www.aacu.org/resources/diversity-equity-and-inclusive-excellence/publications.

America’s Unmet Promise: The Imperative for Equity in Higher Education

本出版物提出了迫切需要扩大获得高质量教育计划的机会,并为传统上在高等教育中得不到充分服务的学生取得成功. 该出版物以大学毕业等传统衡量标准来解决学生的机会和成功问题, 以及教育机会的重要指标,如参与高影响力的教育实践. 作者提出了一个公平的指导框架,可以在整个高等教育中使用. They suggest principles for evaluating equity and advancing institutional change, 特别注重改善受种族教育机会分层影响的学生的成果, ethnicity and socioeconomic class status. 在教育领导者和从业者之间发起关于多样性的对话的优秀资源, equity and institutional change. 

Working Collectively Across Differences

大学生应该有大量的实践与不同群体的合作者解决复杂的问题,以便为他们将在工作场所和公民生活中面临的挑战做好准备. This issue of Diversity & Democracy contains articles highlighting courses, 项目, 以及学生们参与这种跨越差异的合作解决问题的倡议. To learn more about this publication, please visit: http://www.aacu.org/diversitydemocracy/2016/spring

The Equity Imperative

This issue of Diversity & 民主呼吁读者通过确保公平地获得有效的教育实践和欢迎的校园氛围,为所有学生投资于高质量的学习. 贡献作者分享支持大学成功的评估和实施策略, particularly for students who have been underserved within higher education. To learn more about this publication, please visit: www.aacu.org/diversitydemocracy/2016/winter

Student and Institutional Engagement in Political Life

由美国学院和大学协会和民主与高等教育研究所(塔夫茨大学的乔纳森M. Tisch College of Citizenship and Public Service), this issue of Diversity & 《大发彩票平台》呼吁读者审视他们如何才能最好地支持学生和机构参与政治生活. 本期重点介绍了推进与政治学习相关的教育目标的实践,并探讨了学生在政治学习中扮演的各种角色, 教师, and administrators can play in creating a politically engaged and socially just democracy. To learn more about this publication, please visit: www.aacu.org/diversitydemocracy/2015/fall

Engaging Global Challenges

Global challenges offer critical opportunities for student learning. 这个问题突出了高等教育让学生参与解决他们一生中会遇到的全球性复杂问题的多方面方式. 投稿作者描述了这项工作的可能途径,并提出了关于全球相互依存社会中的公平和包容的紧迫问题. To learn more about this publication, please visit: www.aacu.org/diversitydemocracy/2015/summer

Gender Equity in Higher Education

This issue of Diversity & Democracy extends AAC&U's longstanding commitment to addressing gender-based inequities in higher education. Article topics include gender equity among STEM students and 教师, women's leadership in areas such as higher education administration, the role of women's colleges and universities worldwide, 以及为所有性别认同的学生创建安全和包容的校园的重要性. To learn more about this publication, please visit: www.aacu.org/diversitydemocracy/2015/spring

Committing to Equity and Inclusive Excellence: A Campus Guide for Self-Study and Planning

致力于公平和包容性卓越:校园自学和规划指南提供了一个必要的对话框架, 评估, and action to address inequities in higher education institutions. Focusing on issues of access and success, 它可以作为一种工具,将校园领导和实践者——跨部门和部门——聚集在一起,参与内部评估,并制定前进的道路,以提高所有学生的成功和取得关键学习成果. 该指南的设计特别关注那些来自传统上得不到高等教育服务的群体的学生的成功. To learn more about this publication, please visit:www.aacu.org/publications/committing-to-equity


加强 & 《大发彩票平台》表明,美国在教育方面持续存在的差距, 收入, and wealth are widening, 我们人口中增长最快的部分最不可能获得成功所需的机会. 它认为, to effectively educate today's students, 高等教育必须更加迫切地关注公平问题,并将我们所知道的关于缩小成绩差距和为所有学生推进高质量学习成果的知识结合起来. 这本小册子建立了领导挑战现状的案例,并使所有学生都能获得最强大的大学学习形式. 加强 & LEAD for Equity is a Call to Action, supported by clear and convincing data, 对于大学领导来说,接受这一挑战,并通过检查自己机构的历史和数据来制定行动计划. It is ideal for advancing dialogue on campus and in the community.

加强 & 《大发彩票平台》总结了一系列适用于所有机构的行动项目,并可与AAC结合使用&美国未实现的承诺:高等教育公平的必要性,致力于公平和包容性卓越:自学和规划的校园指南. To learn more about this publication, please visit: 安全.aacu.org/store/detail.aspx?id = GMSSU

Assessing Students’ Diversity, Global, and Civic Learning Gains

This issue of Diversity & 民主以一系列评估学生参与多样性影响的方法为特色, 全球, and civic learning opportunities. To learn more about this publication, please visit: www.aacu.org/diversitydemocracy/2013/summer

Making Excellence Inclusive: Higher Education’s LGBTQ Contexts

This issue of Diversity & 民主探索高等教育如何创建与LGBTQ问题相关的课堂和校园论坛. To learn more about this publication, please visit: www.aacu.org/diversitydemocracy/2012/winter

LGBTQ Students and College Affordability

Choosing a college is a daunting task for any first-time student, but for LGBTQ students, it can be downright terrifying. 惊人的13.报告经常受到言语骚扰的LGBTQ高中生中,有4%的人计划不上大学, 20%的在校大学生表示担心自己的人身安全,因为他们的性别认同或性取向. 在回应, many universities are taking steps to fight back for their most vulnerable students, but understanding what to look for in a school is still difficult. To learn more about the LGBTQ Students and College Affordability, please visit: www.affordablecolleges.com/resources/lgbtq-college-resources/